The Touch of Winter

A paintbrush of white dusts the landscape in crystal celebration of the season.

A paintbrush of white dusts the landscape in crystal celebration of the season.

The Touch of winter
A Crystal water caress of snow
The sunny silence of a cold winter day shines in a new coat
Icy wind crystallizes dreams of warmth
A dusting that covers the ice surface
A country skating rink marks a spot where the shore kisses a hill
Near a lake inlet which drains from frosted wetland
A wondrous place in natural flux of seasonal changes
A sacred place where giant granite boulders hold sway against manmade hand and the storms of nature
Mark the passing of glaciers past
The tick of a wall clocks seconds break the silence
The only reminder that this perfect land at waters’ edge has been touched by human
Dreams of ownership
Nothing but a single frozen vaporous breath or a seconds tick
In this lands grand timelessness
Yet winters icy grip cannot stop a heartfelt spirit or dissipate
The crystal dream of touching the infinite

A winter blanket

A winter blanket

Winter blanket makes an XTerra a snow cave

Winter blanket makes an XTerra a snow cave

Frigid Footprints Etched in Time

Frigid Footprints Etched in Time


Time to reflect find meaning

Ready and gather strength for future seasons

Time to live in a present moment built on the past

To find bliss each day in just being

In feeling hoping loving

In gently holding to patience and faith

Touching natures surround unbound


Time is infinite change in an expanding universe

Like the lake surface blanketed in snow from transient storm

Change in flakes and crystals of water mixing moving gathering

Little twisters of white move in gusty gestations

Infinite equations of changing destination and motion


Eyes watery and face worn with lines of season old and the days’ cold

Manmade mirror of glass in shore side ice rink

Altered the blanket by pulling it back for gliding space

Tuck in the edges to border and shape

Sore eyes gaze in wonder from weathered countenance


Great Spirit of nature and all uses a whisk brush of gust

A vehicle of wind and a wispy medium of snow

To draw-paint a picture in the tenor of the season and flux of time

Transposing a lake shore rink into an ever changing etch a sketch image of life

Shaken by wintry blast infinite design is cast

Heaven Gained an Angel of Selflessness

Heaven Gained an Angel of Selflessness

During the end of Summer and the brilliance of fall, family, friends and staff brought Palliative Hospice Care 24/7 to Fuller House, Mom’s Home for the past 3 years.
92 years of a full selfless life faded physically as the colors of autumn light up reflecting her love and life. It was an honor and privilege to be with her each caregiving shift sharing connection and memories while knowing that each time Congestive Heart was making her weaker.

The greatest blessing of my life is having Elizabeth Mary Carew Pothier as my mother.
Time with her became priceless in little special moments with a rare, precious and beautiful woman and human being.
This Fall was one of the best all time up North in depth and intensity of color. I began to see each individual view of Mountains, Hills and Valleys become bouquets of color as individual trees flowered in leaf and in my views represented all the days of ‘Betty’s’ life as they burst in fleeting brilliant seasonal natural display…Heaven gained an Angel of Selflessness and Love.

Feel her presence in spirit and love
in growing dimensions
Love Hope Faith in Heart and Soul
Truth of a life well lived
We Keep the Circle going….

Start of Day


Started so many days and have never been proficient just persistent. Know where to go need directions in daily vision and process.

This day took me down to the river above the falls where The Largest Most Regal Eagle crossed my path at the shoreline as he traversed the Falls heading East. I first thought he was my spirit amimal Blue Heron but envisioned what I felt. I lit a warming fire in the mist of warm water and cool air in stones placed to fashion fireplace. As the fire grew from kindling to crackling the Eagle returned and took residence in the habitat of ancient wolf tree and my life was present and focused. I stood at the shore with a vision of the wonder of this earth and prayed with him

for our future


Searching for a good honest woman

Two years down the long and twisting road I am grateful for all I have. Just need someone to share it with.

Captain Kens Cloud

You are my joyous entertainer
Not just a cartoon character though just as animated
You are the all-time best variety show, an Emmy winner for sure
You dance, you sing, you mimic
And always you bring laughter
You are the talk show host and the sidekick
You are the invited guests; the singer, the dancer, the song and dance master.
You are the crazy and novel talent act
The storyteller and listener
Advisor and commenter
The clown, the standup comic and court jester
You are the Queen of gesture and animated face and body language
You are quick witted and on the spot of any real moment,focused and truthfully present
You are an original
As you provide joy and truest laughter to my life
And you are perfect just the way you are

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Ode to the Blackwater Angel

An Ode to the Blackwater Angel


As one angels wings burned as she embraced the devil

The Blackwater Angel wrapped her wings around an acquaintance

In a compassionate embrace of understanding and empathy

In the darkness before dawn as a New Year’s seed is sown

She opened her heart to a lost soul.

Good genes, she loves and cares about family

Her grandfather had consoling words of wisdom as I was warmed by hot coffee and breakfast

The angel has helped others for years as they come for food and sustenance

And find so much more.

Her understanding comes from listening to others life travails, ups and downs.

She rules the roost holding a Country Diner and all who enter in her warm accepting embrace.

Wings lift mood and troubles and she has a smile and laugh that shine light on each day.

Never a complaint heard as she makes light of her own troubles and calls herself lucky when near disaster invades.

An angels astute observations given free on the days and events passing while keeping the diner running as she plays point guard in controlling the chaos and distributes food and smiles.

She is a natural actress in real time in real life happenings who accepts all and gives her all each day before she goes home to being a mother and close friend to others and family.

Never say that this Blackwater Angel is ‘just a waitress’ for she is so much more. Whenever I visit even when there is little time to say hello my green tea and ice water with lemon magically appears with a smile that lifts spirits and sets the tone for another good day.

This lost and found soul knows that he has been touched in big and little ways by her way of living each and every day. I hurt when I know that she hurts and hope to be considered a friend who cares about her welfare as so many do who have crossed paths and had her wings wrapped around them.. A country woman who is as warm as flannel on a cold day, empathetic, understanding, caring and a star of the diner

She is the Blackwater Angel

KMP 10/22/2015

Get 100% healthy for you give so much to others and we need your beautiful smiling face and laughter in our day for a long time to come….Thanks

Person In The River Dedicated to the Firefighter/First Responders of 9/11/2001

I republish this because I never forget 9/11 and all of those who answer 911 calls

Captain Kens Cloud


Person in the Water—Dedicated to the Fire Fighter/First Responders who gave their lives responding on 9/11/2001—a 911 emergency

The twenty-four hour tour of duty was just beginning. After radio check the crew of three from the outside satellite station had started their assigned tasks around the house. The officer was cutting the grass, the pump operator checking and cleaning the truck and equipment, and the back step firefighter cleaning the station. Bells and radio signal draw immediate attention, and station details are no longer of importance.

The call comes in with two bells and the announcement over the Personal Address speakers “Person in the River,” followed by closest location reported and response assignment.
Crews of First Responders head out the door; the closest crew of three arrive on scene where they are signaled by waving arms of the location. Just past the old stone arch bridge the river bends by…

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Waterfall Nature Meditation


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We took a walk on a sunshine day as a Spring Brook rushed down the side of Isinglass Mountain into the waters of Kilton Pond and on to the Smith River and summer hopes and dreams. At night when I let the dogs out you could hear the Stream Roar to the heavens as the Stars soared above and all was right with the natural world in which we live.